The Tabletop Gaming Department is here to provide attendees an inclusive place to learn new games, meet new people, and spend time recharging between exploring all the wonderful things Anime Weekend Atlanta as to offer. Visit our Gaming Library where we have a wide variety of games to match any interests, play styles, and time constraints you may have during the convention. You also have a chance at winning prizes by participating in many of the fun activities and tournaments we host throughout the weekend. Visit our volunteers in our game library or go to our TCG Arena to meet the amazing crew to enter in one of our card gaming tournaments. Jack of all Trades will be there for our Yu-Gi-Oh events! All of our volunteers are there to help by answering any questions you may have and they’re even there to play and teach you new games!
Tabletop Gaming Rooms
The Tabletop Gaming Department has a variety of themed rooms so you never have to search too hard for exactly what you want.
Tabletop Gaming will be in rooms C110, C112, C113, & C114
Social Gaming
Free Play
Role Playing Games
Trading Card Games
Gaming Library
Special Features we had for 2024
Giga-Mech: Gaming Showcase and Demos: Saturday 12-8pm in the board game library (C110)
The Gaming Lady: Board game demos every day in the board game library (C110)
This year we are ending the con with an auction in our TCG Room (C114)
From 2PM Sunday until the end of con we will be auctioning off used and new board games and any TCG product remaining from the convention. All of the funds from this will go into making board gaming and TCG bigger next year!