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COVID19 Policy for 2024

Everything is tentative and subject to change based on the latest science and CDC guidelines. Updates may be made to this policy/page at any time.

We currently are not requiring proof of vaccination status, negative COVID tests, or requiring masks for AWA 2024.

AS ALWAYS, if you are feeling sick, please do not attend the convention. We will be here next year and protecting our community should always be a top concern.

Anime Weekend Atlanta strongly encourages remaining up-to-date on available vaccines, testing yourself for COVID prior to attending, and wearing masks for the safety of yourself and others at the convention.

At Home Tests

While we are not requiring negative tests to pick up badges, if you decide to test prior to coming to the con, the test should be taken within 3 days of the day you intend to pick up your badge. We recommend taking the test as close as possible to badge pick up.


All participants are encouraged to wear masks but are not required.

Bear in mind that guests will have varying levels of comfort with human contact. We will do our best to communicate ahead of time what each guests’ requests are. It is possible that they may change their preferences during the convention to be more restrictive. Please be patient and understanding so that the guest will feel comfortable and want to come back in future years!

If you are feeling unwell at the time of the convention, STAY HOME and then email us at We are happy to roll your membership over to next year.

Tell us your thoughts

    Thank you for attending AWA 2024!
    2025 (December 18-21) information will be updated soon.