Anti-Harassment Policy
Anime Weekend Atlanta is committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all. As such, we ask you to remember that boundaries and comfort levels vary from person to person.
Harassment is generally defined as unwanted behavior that creates an intimidating, offensive, and/or hostile environment for the person being targeted. It can be physical or psychological. If someone tells you that your comments or behavior are unwelcome, you need to stop immediately. If that person tells you to leave them alone, you need to cease contact. It doesn’t matter if you don’t think your behavior was harassing; harassment is defined by the victim.
Harassment is any behavior that is intimidating, hostile, or offensive to a reasonable person.
If you feel uncomfortable, there is absolutely no draw back to asking a crew member for help.
How to not be a harasser
- Do not assume that a behavior you would find acceptable is therefore acceptable to another person.
- It is each individual’s responsibility to obtain definitive consent from another person for anything that involves that person. The absence of expressed consent must be treated as refusal.
- It is likewise every individual’s right to dictate their own boundaries and be respected. AWA will not tolerate harassment, and reserves the right to revoke badge privileges and remove from the premises anyone found to be contributing to an unsafe or hostile convention environment.
If you feel like you’ve been harassed
- If you feel that you are unsafe or being harassed, please approach any member of crew for assistance in finding a Public Safety team member, GWCC Security, or a police officer. Your safety and comfort are a top priority.
- You can also contact our department of public safety at throughout the year. All reports will receive responses within 48 hours of receipt.
Special Circumstances
- If you’ve had an encounter with someone involved with the convention – hired security, guests, crew and remember details, please let us know, even if it has been a while. The more info we get, the safer the con is.
Prop Policies
We know rules are no fun, but they keep you and all of our other attendees, crew, and vendors safe. All props brought to the convention MUST be brought to the Prop Check station across from the Registration Windows to make sure it adheres to the following rules. Once verified, we will ask you how you hold your prop, and affix a special (removable) band to your prop where it’s out of sight for photos for maximum convenience.
This is referred to as “peace-bonding”, an old-timey word which here means placing a symbol on your otherwise intimidating prop to signal that your prop is safe and your intentions are (presumably) peaceful.
Don’t forget, not everyone is an anime or pop-culture fan. Please use common sense and caution when walking in public with any props/costumes. When in doubt, put your prop in a case until you’re inside the convention space.
If a crew member asks you about your prop, just show the crew member your peace-bond and carry on your way!
General Prop Regulations
- Must be less than 7 feet in length (2 meters)
- Must be less than 15 pounds (7 kilograms)
- Any prop that is used in an offensive or defensive manner, that would otherwise be permitted under this policy, shall considered a restricted weapon under this policy.
Bladed Weapons
- No Metal bladed weapons of any kind (swords, knives, axes, etc.)
- They may also not be carried around the convention even in a case.
- If you buy any metal bladed weapons they Must Remain in their sealed boxes or you will be asked to leave them in your room or car. There are no exceptions to this policy.
Projectile Firing Props
- You may possess projectile firing weapons if they have been permanently and substantially disabled.
- Bows, crossbows, etc, must be destrung
- Do not bring a real firearm.
- Airsoft, BB, Nerf, blow, and Paintball guns, etc:
- Must have a permanent orange tip on the muzzle
- Must have an orange stripe, at least one inch wide, on all of following applicable parts: grip, handle, receiver, stock.
- You may not carry any ammunition
- No magazine installed in device
- Barrel must be plugged
- Trigger group must be removed if possible
Items designed for offensive or defensive purposes:
- Any item that is designed, marketed, intended, possessed, or sold for offensive or defensive purposes will not be allowed. (Expandable batons, mace, pepper spray, bear spray, flail/mace, brass knuckles, etc.)
- Wooden and metal bats and batons ARE NOT ALLOWED. Please make sure any of these types of props are made from plastic or foam.
Dangerous and destructive devices
- Any “dud” or “demilled” items must be obvious: no primer, no charging system, substantial inspection port, etc.
- Destructive devices are not allowed at AWA events. Examples: (explosives, grenades, ammo, flashbangs, smoke bombs, etc)
In order to protect their own safety and that of others, AWA attendees understand, agree, and consent that designated AWA representatives or public safety personnel throughout the convention have an absolute right to inspect costumes, weapons, and any other items, and that attendee will submit to such an inspection. Any attendee must submit their costumes, weapons, and other items to an immediate inspection upon request or must leave the convention. In the event a person declines to submit to an inspection and refuses to leave, they shall be immediately expelled from the convention and escorted off the premises.
This policy shall apply at all official Anime Weekend Atlanta events, including, but not limited to: Anime Weekend Atlanta, AWA Crew and/or Directors meetings, and work days, and shall apply on the property of the Georgia World Congress Center, Signia Hotel, Omni Hotel, and all surrounding parking lots, parking decks, walkways, roads, parks, recreation areas and/or any other area reserved for use by Anime Weekend Atlanta.
Only AWA may determine whether any particular item covered by this policy is permitted or not permitted at AWA and such determination is solely, exclusively, and absolutely at the discretion of AWA. Persons who do not cooperate with the determinations of AWA concerning the application of this policy to any particular item may be immediately expelled from the convention. If it is later discovered that a person brought a working weapon to any current or prior year AWA, that person may be banned from attending future conventions.
Persons who carry or otherwise bring prop weapons, replicas, or similar items do so at their own, sole, and absolute risk, and assume all risks of liability, harm, damage, or loss to any person or property injured or otherwise harmed, intentionally or accidentally, directly or indirectly by such items or the person carrying them.
AWA, LLC is and shall not be liable for any injury, harm, damage, or other risk or liability associated with any person’s use of any weapon, replica, or prop, whether permitted or banned here after at AWA.
In no event shall AWA, AWA, LLC and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries, or the Georgia World Congress Center have any liability for any incidental, consequential, special or exemplary damages hereunder, even if informed of the possibility of same.
Dresscode & Costume Guidelines
The AWA Dress Code Policy covers the Convention Venues (GWCC, Omni Hotel, Signia Hotel, and the adjoining parking lots and decks).
AWA is a family friendly convention, so parents with young children will be present.
Be aware that not everybody (including parents, hotel and convention staff, and local law enforcement) are anime and manga fans, so they may question if your costume is appropriate. You may be asked to change your costume.
This is a unisex/all-gender dress code
Daytime dress code (Hours 6am to 8pm)
- Wear shoes at all times (including dancing shoes, or entire foot coverings)
- Nipples, side-boob, and under-boob must be covered with opaque material for all genders
- Feel free to wear body suits or flesh-colored fabric as needed for your costume to meet dress code requirements
- Dance belts must be worn under outfits with suggestive outlines or without full coverage
- Have props inspected and peace-bound at the Prop Check booth near the registration on the first floor of GWCC Building C.
- Do not show up naked, make sure your butt is fully covered by nothing less than full coverage bikini bottoms. We love your butt, we just don’t want to see it. This goes for all genders
- Opaque tights are required for all bottoms that do not fully cover the butt
- Wear/use any of the following items is strictly prohibited : roller skates, roller blades, skateboards, stilts, leashes, metal chains
- No solicitation signs (Free Hugs, etc)
- No real weapons
- Do not carry props that cannot fit through a door or weigh more than 15lbs
- Do not wear a costume that resembles any law enforcement or medical personnel (of any Country)
After Hours dress code (8pm to 6am)
- Wear shoes at all times (excludes wheeled footwear, and sticky soles)
- Nipples must be covered with opaque material for all genders
- Dance belts must be worn under outfits with suggestive outlines or without full coverage
- Have props inspected and peace-bound at the Prop Check booth near the registration on the first floor of GWCC Building C.
- Do not show up naked, make sure your butt is covered by nothing less than bikini bottoms (NO Thongs). This goes for all Genders
- Opaque tights are required for any bottoms that don’t meet the requirements in above rule
- Wear/use of any of the following items are strictly prohibited : roller skates, roller blades, skateboards, stilts, leashes, metal chains
- No solicitation signs (Free Hugs, etc)
- No real weapons
- Do not carry props that cannot fit through a door or weigh more than 15lbs
- Do not wear a costume that resembles any law enforcement or medical personnel (of any Country)

These images are examples of outfits that meet the requirements for coverage.

Code of Conduct
In order to make your convention experience and that of your fellow con-goers a pleasant one, we require everyone to observe the following rules. Persons violating this Code of Conduct may be asked to leave AWA. Please have your Anime Weekend Atlanta event badge openly displayed on your person at all times while in any of the convention space(s).
Anime Weekend Atlanta reserves the right to refuse entrance into the events or service to any individual or group at any time.
The convention is not a law-free zone!
These things are illegal whether or not you are at the convention. We’re just repeating them here because, well, some of you may need it. Probably not YOU specifically though, since you care enough about the rules to read them.
- Persons committing theft, shoplifting, larceny, burglary, looting, robbery, counterfeiting and fraud will be ejected from AWA and given to the custody of Fulton County Police.
- Persons committing vandalism, graffiti, defacement, destruction of property, and criminal damage will be ejected from AWA and given to the custody of Fulton County Police.
- Creating a fake badge is legally considered forgery. If you are caught possessing or selling a bootleg badge, you will be ejected from AWA and given to the custody of Fulton County Police.
- If you are under 21, it is illegal to consume alcohol in the State of Georgia.
- If you are over 21, be responsible if you consume alcohol: only drink in appropriate places, know when you’ve had too many, etc.
Self-Promotion & Sales
This applies to everyone, but businesses, promoters, marketers, artists, dealers, other conventions, etc will probably be most affected by these rules. We know post-cards/business cards/flyers can get expensive, so don’t waste them by leaving them in a place where they will be put in the trash.
- Unauthorized sales of products or services is prohibited. Approved vendors should have an AWA artist, dealer, industry or photopass badge.
- Do not post flyers, posters, or promotional materials in public spaces or on walls; use designated tables and bulletin boards only.
- If you have questions about whether or not someone is a legit vendor, please come ask us at any time at the info booth.
Don’t Touch That!
Conventions are made up of 20% hopes and dreams and 80% shiny and distracting objects. We know your fingers are itching, but don’t do the thing!
- Do not move any tables or chairs either in the hallways, in the vendor rooms, or in the panel rooms unless you have express permission from a member of crew.
- Please do not touch/remove any signs. Many have particular copyrights associated with the art, or need to be returned to industry owners. We DO generally dispose of the following signage, which you may ask for after Sunday at 5pm.
- Info/Props/Pre-registration/Accessibility booth signs
- Aisle signs from the Dealer’s Room
- Main Events signs
- Do not tape or stick anything to any walls in the hotel or convention center
- Do not touch any tech items unless you have prior permission (panelists) or have gotten express permission from a tech crew member
Loitering Policy
- No sleeping in public spaces (panel rooms,video rooms, lobby, stairwells, hallways, etc)
- No blocking of hallways, stairwells, and doorways. This is for your own safety.
- Be mindful of your belongings and surroundings when resting for long periods of time
General Autograph policies
Each guest will likely have their own special rules in addition to these general rules below. Please be sure to download the official AWA app for the most accurate and complete information. Please understand there might be restrictions on autographs, pictures, special items, or other requests. Please respect these boundaries. Most guests to charge for photos and autographs so be sure to familiarize yourself with the policies of the guests you want to meet. We do our best to inform you of these policies but sometimes things change. Guest handlers and AWA staff have the final say regarding what is allowed.
Here are some good guidelines for Autographs and how to prepare:
- Not every guest is comfortable with photographs. Please be considerate and ask crew if they are ok. If so, please have your camera ready. If not, be respectful and put it away.
- Most guests only sign official merchandise. Official means licensed. Things like your body, pictures from artist alley, your favorite stuffed animal or plushie, or your dog are not acceptable items for signing. If you are told no, please be respectful.
- Please keep in mind there are other people in line who want to meet the guest as much as you do. Keep conversations short and have your stuff ready so we can keep the line moving quickly.
- Requests for sound recording, video recording, voice requests, and phone calls are not allowed unless explicitly stated.
- When in doubt, ask crew. We are here to help and will be available throughout the autograph line and at the table. Please let us know if you have any questions.
- Those who don’t adhere to the rules and restrictions set forth by AWA or the guest will be asked to leave.
Our main goal at AWA is for you to have fun but we also want to be respectful to the guests and their time. A little understanding will go a long way and help ensure a good time is had by all.